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Version: v1alpha5



This topic covers one common method to manage multiple clusters with Holos. We'll define two schemas to hold cluster attributes. First, a single #Cluster then a #Clusters collection. We'll use a Clusters: #Clusters struct to look up configuration data using a key. We'll use the cluster name as the lookup key identifying the cluster.

We'll also organize sets of similar clusters by defining #ClusterSet and #ClusterSets. We'll use a ClusterSets: #ClusterSets struct to configure a management cluster and iterate over all workload clusters.

The Code

Initializing the structure

Use holos to generate a minimal platform directory structure. Start by creating a blank directory to hold the platform configuration.

mkdir holos-multiple-clusters && cd holos-multiple-clusters
holos init platform v1alpha5

Using an example Component

Create a directory for the example podinfo component we'll use to render platform manifests.

mkdir -p components/podinfo

Create the CUE configuration for the example podinfo component.

cat <<EOF >components/podinfo/podinfo.cue
package holos

holos: Component.BuildPlan

Component: #Helm & {
Name: "podinfo"
Chart: {
version: "6.6.2"
repository: {
name: "podinfo"
url: ""
Values: ui: {
message: string | *"Hello World" @tag(message, type=string)

We'll integrate the component with the platform after we define the configuration structures.

Defining Clusters

We'll define a #Cluster schema and a #Clusters collection in this section. We'll use these schemas to define a Clusters structure we use to manage multiple clusters.


We'll make the following assumptions, which hold true for many real world environments.

  1. There are two sets of clusters, workload clusters and management clusters.
  2. There is one management cluster.
  3. There are multiple workload clusters.
  4. Each workload cluster is configured similarly, but not identically, to the others.

Prototyping the data

Before we define the schema, let's prototype the data structure we want to work with. We want a structure that makes it easy to iterate over each cluster in two distinct sets of clusters, management clusters and workload clusters. The following ClusterSets struct accomplishes this goal.

name: management
name: management
region: us-central1
set: management
name: workload
name: e1
region: us-east1
set: workload
name: w1
region: us-west1
set: workload

The ClusterSets data structure supports iterating over each cluster in each cluster set.


You're free to define your own fields and structures like we define region in this topic.

Defining the schema

Armed with a concrete example of the structure, we can write a schema to define and validate the data.

In CUE, schema definitions are usually defined at the root so they're accessible in all subdirectories. The following is one example schema, you're free to modify it to your situation. Holos is flexible, supporting schemas that match your unique use case.

cat <<EOF > clusters.schema.cue
package holos

import "strings"

// #Cluster represents one cluster
#Cluster: {
// name represents the cluster name.
name: string & =~"[a-z][a-z0-9]+" & strings.MinRunes(2) & strings.MaxRunes(63)
// Constrain the regions. No default, the region must be specified.
region: "us-east1" | "us-central1" | "us-west1"
// Each cluster must be in only one set of clusters. All but one cluster are
// workload clusters, so make it the default.
set: "management" | *"workload"

// #Clusters represents a cluster collection structure
#Clusters: {
// name is the lookup key for the collection.
[NAME=string]: #Cluster & {
// name must match the struct field name.
name: NAME

// #ClusterSet represents a set of clusters.
#ClusterSet: {
// name represents the cluster set name.
name: string & =~"[a-z][a-z0-9]+" & strings.MinRunes(2) & strings.MaxRunes(63)
clusters: #Clusters & {
// Constrain the cluster set to clusters having the same set. Ensures
// clusters are never mis-categorized.
[_]: set: name

// #ClusterSets represents a cluster set collection.
#ClusterSets: {
// name is the lookup key for the collection.
[NAME=string]: #ClusterSet & {
// name must match the struct field name.
name: NAME

Defining the data

With a schema defined, we also define the data close to the root so it's accessible through the unified configuration tree.

cat <<EOF > clusters.cue
package holos

Clusters: #Clusters & {
// Management Cluster
management: region: "us-central1"
management: set: "management"
// Local Cluster
local: region: "us-west1"
// Some example clusters. Add new clusters to the Clusters struct like this.
e1: region: "us-east1"
e2: region: "us-east1"
e3: region: "us-east1"
w1: region: "us-west1"
w2: region: "us-west1"
w3: region: "us-west1"

// ClusterSets is dynamically built from the Clusters structure.
ClusterSets: #ClusterSets & {
// Map every cluster into the correct set.
for CLUSTER in Clusters {
(CLUSTER.set): clusters: ( CLUSTER

Inspecting the data

We'll use the holos cue command to inspect the ClusterSets data structure we just defined.

holos cue export --expression ClusterSets --out=yaml ./

This looks like our prototype, we're confident we can iterate over each cluster in each set.

Integrating Components

The ClusterSets data structure unlocks the capability to iterate over each cluster in each cluster set. We'll use this capability to integrate the podinfo component with each cluster in the platform.

Configuring the Output directory

We need to configure holos to write output manifests into a cluster specific output directory. We'll use the ComponentConfig OutputBaseDir field for this purpose. We'll pass the value of this field as a component parameter.

cat <<EOF > componentconfig.cue
package holos

#ComponentConfig: {
// Inject the output base directory from platform component parameters.
OutputBaseDir: string @tag(outputBaseDir, type=string)

Integrating Podinfo

cat <<EOF >platform/podinfo.cue
package holos

// Manage podinfo on all workload clusters.
for CLUSTER in ClusterSets.workload.clusters {
// We use the cluster name to disambiguate different podinfo build plans.
Platform: Components: "\(": {
name: "podinfo"
// Reuse the same component across multiple workload clusters.
path: "components/podinfo"
// Configure a cluster-unique message in the podinfo UI.
parameters: message: "Hello, I am cluster \( in region \(CLUSTER.region)"
// Write to deploy/{outputBaseDir}/components/{name}/{name}.gen.yaml
parameters: outputBaseDir: "clusters/\("

Rendering manifests

Rendering the Platform

Render the platform to configure podinfo on each cluster.

holos render platform

Inspecting the Tree

Rendering the platform produces the following rendered manifests.

tree deploy
└── clusters
├── e1
│   └── components
│   └── podinfo
│   └── podinfo.gen.yaml
├── e2
│   └── components
│   └── podinfo
│   └── podinfo.gen.yaml
├── e3
│   └── components
│   └── podinfo
│   └── podinfo.gen.yaml
├── local
│   └── components
│   └── podinfo
│   └── podinfo.gen.yaml
├── w1
│   └── components
│   └── podinfo
│   └── podinfo.gen.yaml
├── w2
│   └── components
│   └── podinfo
│   └── podinfo.gen.yaml
└── w3
└── components
└── podinfo
└── podinfo.gen.yaml

23 directories, 7 files

Inspecting the Variation

Note how each component has slight variation using the component parameters.

diff -U2 deploy/clusters/{e,w}1/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml
--- deploy/clusters/e1/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml	2024-11-17 14:20:17
+++ deploy/clusters/w1/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml 2024-11-17 14:20:17
@@ -61,5 +61,5 @@
- value: Hello, I am cluster e1 in region us-east1
+ value: Hello, I am cluster w1 in region us-west1
value: '#34577c'

Concluding Remarks

In this topic we covered how to use CUE structures to organize multiple clusters into various sets.

  1. Clusters are defined in one place at the root of the configuration.
  2. Clusters may be organized into sets by their purpose.
  3. Most organizations have at least two sets, a set of workload clusters and a set of management clusters.
  4. Holos uses CUE, a super set of JSON. New clusters may be added by dropping a JSON file into the root of the repository.
  5. The pattern of defining a #Cluster and a #Clusters collection is a general pattern. We'll see the same pattern for environments, projects, owners, and more.
  6. Component parameters are a flexible way to inject user defined configuration from the platform level into a reusable component.