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Version: v1alpha5



This tutorial demonstrates how to add additional resources to a component using CUE. Holos components often mix in resources, eliminating the need to modify existing charts or manifests. In this tutorial, we'll add an ExternalSecret resource to the podinfo Helm chart configured in the Hello Holos tutorial.

Key concepts:

  1. Resources are validated against #Resources defined at the root.
  2. Custom Resource Definitions need to be imported using Timoni.
  3. Helm, Kustomize, and CUE can be mixed together within the same component.

The Code

Generating the Structure

Use holos to generate a minimal platform directory structure. First, create and navigate into a blank directory. Then, use the holos generate platform command to generate a minimal platform.

mkdir holos-cue-tutorial && cd holos-cue-tutorial
holos init platform v1alpha5

Creating the Component

Create the directory for the podinfo component. Create an empty file, then add the following CUE configuration to it.

mkdir -p components/podinfo
cat <<EOF > components/podinfo/podinfo.cue
package holos

// export the component build plan to holos
holos: Component.BuildPlan

// Component is a Helm chart
Component: #Helm & {
Name: "podinfo"
Namespace: "default"
// Add metadata.namespace to all resources with kustomize.
KustomizeConfig: Kustomization: namespace: Namespace
Chart: {
version: "6.6.2"
repository: {
name: "podinfo"
url: ""

Register the component with the platform.

cat <<EOF > platform/podinfo.cue
package holos

Platform: Components: podinfo: {
name: "podinfo"
path: "components/podinfo"

Render the platform.

holos render platform

Add and commit the initial configuration.

git init . && git add . && git commit -m initial

Mixing in Resources

We use the ComponentConfig Resources field to mix in resources to any component kind. This field is a convenient wrapper around the core [BuildPlan] Resources Generator.

Create the mixins.cue file.

cat <<EOF > components/podinfo/mixins.cue
package holos

// Component fields are unified with podinfo.cue
Component: {
// Concrete values are defined in podinfo.cue
Name: string
Namespace: string

// Resources represents mix-in resources organized as a struct.
Resources: ExternalSecret: (Name): {
// Name is consistent with the component name.
metadata: name: Name
// Namespace is consistent with the component namespace.
metadata: namespace: Namespace
spec: {
// Ensure the target secret name is consistent.
target: name:
// Ensure the name in the SecretStore is consistent.
dataFrom: [{extract: {key:}}]
refreshInterval: "30s"
secretStoreRef: kind: "SecretStore"
secretStoreRef: name: "default"

Holos uses CUE to validate mixed in resources against a schema. The Resources field validates against the #Resources definition in resources.cue.

Importing CRDs

Holos includes CUE schema definitions for the ExternalSecret Custom Resource Definition (CRD). These schemas are located in the cue.mod directory, generated by the holos init platform command executed at the start of this tutorial.

To import your own custom resource definitions, use Timoni. We imported the ExternalSecret CRDs embedded in holos using the following command.

timoni mod vendor crds -f

Take a look at cue.mod/gen/ to see the imported definitions.

Once imported, the final step is to add the resource kind to the #Resources struct. Typically, this is done by creating a new file that CUE unifies with the existing resources.cue file.

Reviewing Changes

Render the platform with the ExternalSecret mixed into the podinfo component.

holos render platform

Take a look at the diff to see the mixed in ExternalSecret.

git diff deploy
diff --git a/deploy/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml b/deploy/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml
index 6e4aec0..f79e9d0 100644
--- a/deploy/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml
+++ b/deploy/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml
@@ -112,3 +112,19 @@ spec:
- emptyDir: {}
name: data
+kind: ExternalSecret
+ name: podinfo
+ namespace: default
+ dataFrom:
+ - extract:
+ key: podinfo
+ refreshInterval: 30s
+ secretStoreRef:
+ kind: SecretStore
+ name: default
+ target:
+ name: podinfo

We saw how to mix in resources using the Resources field of the ComponentConfig. This approach works for every kind of component in Holos, allowing seamless integration without needing to fork the upstream Helm chart. This way, we can easily update to new podinfo versions as they're released.

Trying Locally

Optionally, apply the manifests rendered by Holos to a Local Cluster for testing.

Next Steps

This tutorial uses the #Resources structure to map resource kinds to their schema definitions in CUE. This structure is defined in resources.cue at the root of the tree. Take a look at resources.cue to see this mapping structure.