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Version: v1alpha5

Hello Holos


One of the first exercises we do when learning a new programming language is printing out a "Hello World!" greeting. Hello Holos configures the podinfo Helm chart producing a similar greeting from a Kubernetes Service.

By the end of this tutorial you have an understanding of how to wrap a Helm Chart as a Holos Component.

The Code

Generating the structure

Use holos to generate a minimal platform directory structure. Start by creating a blank directory to hold the platform configuration.

mkdir holos-tutorial && cd holos-tutorial

Use the holos init platform command to initialize a minimal platform in the blank directory.

holos init platform v1alpha5

Here's the filesystem tree we'll build in this tutorial.

├── components/
│   └── podinfo/
│   └── podinfo.cue
├── cue.mod/
├── platform/
│   ├── platform.gen.cue
│   └── podinfo.cue
├── resources.cue
├── schema.cue
└── tags.cue

Creating a component

Start by creating a directory for the podinfo component. Create an empty file and then add the following CUE configuration to it.

mkdir -p components/podinfo
touch components/podinfo/podinfo.cue
package holos

// Produce a helm chart build plan.
holos: HelmChart.BuildPlan

HelmChart: #Helm & {
Name: "podinfo"
Chart: {
version: "6.6.2"
repository: {
name: "podinfo"
url: ""
// Holos marshals Values into values.yaml for Helm.
Values: {
// message is a string with a default value. @tag indicates a value may
// be injected from the platform spec component parameters.
ui: {
message: string | *"Hello World" @tag(greeting, type=string)

CUE loads all of *.cue files in the component directory to define component, similar to Go packages.


CUE also loads all *.cue files from the component leaf directory to the platform root directory. In this example, #Helm on line 6 is defined in schema.cue at the root.

Integrating the component

Integrate the podinfo component into the platform by creating a new cue file in the platform directory with the following content.

touch platform/podinfo.cue
package holos

Platform: Components: podinfo: {
name: "podinfo"
path: "components/podinfo"
// Inject a value into the component.
parameters: greeting: "Hello Holos!"

Component parameters may have any name as long as they don't start with holos_.

Rendering manifests

Render a manifest for podinfo using the holos render platform ./platform command. The platform/ directory is the main entrypoint for this command.

holos render platform ./platform

Holos rendered the following manifest file by executing helm template after caching podinfo locally.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
labels: Helm podinfo 6.6.2 podinfo-6.6.2
name: podinfo
- name: http
port: 9898
protocol: TCP
targetPort: http
- name: grpc
port: 9999
protocol: TCP
targetPort: grpc
selector: podinfo
type: ClusterIP

Holos renders the component with the greeting injected from the platform spec.

grep -B2 Hello deploy/components/podinfo/podinfo.gen.yaml
value: Hello Holos!

Breaking it down

We run holos render platform ./platform because the cue files in the platform directory export a Platform resource to holos. The platform directory is the entrypoint to the platform rendering process.

Components are the building blocks for a Platform. The platform/podinfo.cue file integrates the podinfo Component with the Platform.

Holos requires two fields to integrate a component with the platform.

  1. A unique name for the component.
  2. The component path to the directory containing the cue files exporting a BuildPlan defining the component.

Component parameters are optional. They allow re-use of the same component. Refer to the Component Parameters topic for more information.

Take a look at the other tabs for more detailed sequence diagrams.

Next Steps

We've shown how to integrate one Helm chart to the Platform, but we haven't yet covered multiple Helm charts. Continue on with the next tutorial to learn how Holos makes it easy to inject values into multiple components safely and easily.